Friday, 25 July 2008

The effects of smoking on diabetes

When the food we eat is digested it provides us with energy and growth but the condition called diabetes does not allow this process to work as it should. We use glucose, which is transported around the body by blood, as a form of energy which comes from food containing sugar. As glucose is the fuel our body needs to survive it is imperative that it is able to be transported by the blood without any problems, something which diabetes stops. The health risks are the direct result of a build up of glucose in the blood instead of it being carried around the body for the cells to have energy.

This subject has comprehensive information available on other sites and the information about the condition in this article has been made short to enable easy and quick understanding. Juvenile onset diabetes is called type one and usually, but not always, affects children and young adults and is where the body's production of insulin has ceased; daily injections of insulin are needed if the diabetic patient does not want to die. The body uses insulin to ensure the glucose can be used by the body which in turn converts into energy. Type 2 is also called adult onset or non-insulin dependent diabetes; the body is still producing insulin but there is a problem with its production or use, but fortunately this type can be treated with a special diet.

Our body needs energy which it obtains from food that it converts into sugar like bread, potatoes, rice and pasta etc. Having high levels of glucose in your blood that is not entering the cells will over long periods, cause a number of serious conditions including blindness, amputations, heart and kidney conditions. However, it is possible to manage diabetes by maintaining a strict health regime; these conditions will vary form person to person but most should see improvements with some complaints halted altogether. To manage your condition well, ensure you take your medication; this means maintaining the correct level of blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fat along with giving up smoking.

how to quit smoking

tips to quit smoking

stop smoking programs

stop smoking hypnosis

Your weight and blood pressure also need to be checked regularly and kept within the acceptable limits set by your doctor. Diabetes is a life long condition if you are unlucky enough to contract it; in America there are more than five and a half million recognized sufferers. The problem is that here are probably another 5.5 million people who have this condition but just don't know it; over 600,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Official figures show that diabetes causes the death of over thirty four thousand people in America every year but deaths from citizens that have the condition but do not die directly from it is about 320,000.

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